Many times, you want to evaluate your options, or you are in need of direction for the future. I have been writing since 2017 as a way to moving through my hearts waves of emotion.

When Angels Speak
Many times, you want to evaluate your options, or you are in need of direction for the future. Whether you’re reconsidering your career choices, your love life, or your holiday destinations, I can help you choose the best route. Welcome to Beauty, Strength & Healing, a unique Psychic in San Francisco.
Kindness Crusader
Many times, you want to evaluate your options, or you are in need of direction for the future. Whether you’re reconsidering your career choices, your love life, or your holiday destinations, I can help you choose the best route. Welcome to Beauty, Strength & Healing, a unique Psychic in San Francisco.

52 Week of Gratitude Journal

Because of Josiah
Because of Josiah is a deep and soulful memoir into the life and heart of a mother, and her unending bond to her son, here on earth, and in Spirit.
Inspired one morning by a conversation she overheard in her mind between Josiah and “The Ethereal,” Raina quickly wrote down what she had heard and began to sense a nudge from her son to continue the story.
Within this book, Raina shares Josiah’s natural charm, from an inquisitive child to a talented artist, performer and healer, and the years of wonder and worry when the “C” Monster invaded his body and threatened to take him from her.
In the end, it would not be cancer, but a chance encounter with a tree that became his portal through the Translucent Door.
Josiah has found many unexpected and remarkable ways to communicate with his mother, that she calls, “The Alchemy of Josiah.” He continues to let her know that he has never left her, and that their bond is unbreakable, living and still possible.
Raina’s raw and personal stories guide you on her authentic journey, with an honest look at grief—physically, emotionally and spiritually—and the power of healing that is possible, from living with, and living through, the Unimaginable Alteration in this Tapestry we call life.
She puts into words, the heart of every Mother.

52 Week of Gratitude Journal
Learning to practice and live in gratitude can bring you bounds of abundance in all areas of your life. The more you exercise your gratitude muscle the more natural it will become to just BE in gratitude in each moment of your life. Practice more gratitude and you will continue to have more things to be grateful for!
52 Weeks of Gratitude Journal is a unique gratitude journal. Each week there is a story of gratitude to help inspire you to have gratitude get into feeling gratitude. Following the story is a coloring page. Then, you will be able to use the following pages to journal about what you have been grateful for during the week. When you consistently practice gratitude for 52 weeks, you will create a new way of life full of abundance and joy!

When Angels Speak
Tap into the divine love and energy of the Archangels and guardian angels all around you. Your angels are here to help you develop in positive ways. The angel authors in this book teach you to discover your unique abilities when connecting to this divine source. If you have been struggling with stress, fear, self-doubt, or have been feeling stuck, this book will help connect you with a loving source: your angels. Learn from expert angel communicators how to:· Tap into the unique power of the angelic realm· Use unconditionally loving energy to transform challenging life circumstances· Gain access to wisdom that is based on integrity and kindness· Connect to an endless flow of angelic energy every day.
Heaven Sent
A horse that communicates through dreams, a dog that gives Reiki treatments, and a cat that brings the joy of Christmas back to a family in mourning. These are just a few of the incredible animals that come alive in Heaven Sent, through the words of the owners who love them. Whether they are large or small, have hooves or paws, or bark, meow or neigh, these beautiful beings enriched and even transformed the lives they touched. And though they arrived under different circumstances––some from pet stores, others from shelters, and still others from the street––they always seemed to show up at just the right time to lend support and ease their owner of challenges and hardships. We often believe we’ve rescued our pets when the truth is they’ve rescued us in return. They are our saviors and our angels; our children and our teachers; our healers and our best friends. Some are only with us for a short while, others for a decade or more, yet it never feels quite long enough. We grieve their loss, but we never forget the gifts they gave us while they were here. If you’ve ever experienced the unconditional love of an animal, you will certainly resonate with the twenty-four authors who contributed to this anthology. Their stories will make you laugh, they’ll make you cry, and hopefully they’ll remind you just how blessed you are to have—or to have had—the companionship of your loving pet. Our hope is that this collaboration will warm your heart and awaken a few new animal lovers at the same time. One thing’s for sure, after reading these stories you’ll see that our animals are more than just our furry friends. Indeed, our pets are heaven sent.

Kindness Crusader
Are you ready to change the world? Join us as we inspire people all over the world to be kind and loving to one another. Kindness Crusader has weekly stories from authors around the world to inspire your inner crusader. With fifty-two stories and twelve months of kindness calendars, and BINGO cards you are sure to never run out of inspiration. This book is great to inspire you alone, as a family, or as a community. It makes a great gift, too! Together, let’s raise the vibration of the world in love and all be Kindness Crusaders.
This book is filled with beautiful kindness quotes and stories to inspire your random acts of kindness. We hope to initiate you as a Kindness Crusader as you work alone, with your family, or build something transformational in your community. Inside you will find the website where you can download and print your Acts of Kindness Calendars and BINGO cards or have access to the templates to create your own!